7 comments on “VOLCÁN de SANTA ANA – 🇸🇻 – or LAMATEPEC (not: Ilamatepec)

  1. Hi

    A long read ! many things to ponder upon.

    meanwhile an update on Kilauea – hour by hour then cumulated from June 20th to July 3rd – mag > 2.5

    As always data NOAA, USGS


    • People near there must be sooo sick of the ever repeating wobbles… ad nauseam. Funnily, one translation in German for ‘ad nauseam’ is ‘bis ins Aschgraue”, literally ‘up into the ash-gray’.

      I guess the feeder underneath is still the same straight up magma column. Will be interesting to see it again when the pattern changes. Perhaps the dike will be seeking a different outlet when all the debris from above has blocked the original vent.


    • Apart from the center, it seems there are more (and stronger) EQs occurring to the SE of the crater than elswhere around it. Wonder if that has any meaning as to where the magma will go in the future?


  2. Pingback: Apaneca Range, El Salvador |

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