
unknown-1Readers who are new to volcano talk will hopefully find helpful links here for  explanations of common volcanic and geologic processes, like glossaries, videos, papers etc.

What do you want to know more about? You can go to one of the following pages:







We have decided not to go on building a Glossary of most used terms here as this would amount to “rewrite” existing glossaries on the internet, with the additional task of finding out the best description of a term among many. So I will list a few links to good Glossaries available:

USGS Photo Glossary of volcanic terms
– midju: Volcano Glossary

University of Wisconsin, Glossary of Volcanic Terms
OSU, Volcano Term Definitions

One comment on “V-Basics

  1. Would it be possible to do a sort of library here, where we can post nice books?
    I would love to have this, I am always looking for good books.
    Thank you very much!


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