6 comments on “What do these Journalists/Bloggers Think of Their Readers…?!

  1. Agreed. It’s baffling that so many journalist are doing really poor research when writing about these things 😦

    On a totally different note, there was two M5.8 and M5.6 EQs near Lake Kivu at he Congo/Rwanda border not long ago. Lake Kivu has a fairly high risk for limnic eruptions due to methane and CO2 deposits on in the sediments in the lake floor (see for example http://iugg-georisk.org/presentations/pdf/Lake-Kivu-hazards.pdf), and given its size its impractical to remove the sediments or siphon off the gas. Lets hope these quakes doesn’t trigger that and that no-one was hurt. There was a M5.9 there some years ago that killed many local villagers; even normally “moderate” M5.x EQs can be devastating in areas with poor infrastructure and/or is prone to landslides.


  2. To my mind at school geology and vulcanology were teached in a boring way. So pupils dislike it. (It’s boring, there are a lot of strange, new words, it’s very complicated and complex). So journalists aren’t interested either. Why should they care about pics? Vulcanos – one for all and all for one….
    Thanks Granyia – It was funny to read, I had to laugh out loud …..


  3. Nice article, Granyia. Almost looks like the journalists look for the sexiest photos available for whatever they are writing about. Actual attribution need not be necessary. Of all the photos you used, the Kelud dome is the scariest,as it shortly disappeared after the photo was taken. Cheers –


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